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Some Useful Books for Exploring the Levels of Evolution

Books on Darwin and Darwin's Theory
General Evolution Theory and Story for scientists and most readers
General Evolution Theory for theorists and more advanced readers
The Case for and against Neo-Darwinism, Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology

More books by Council Members (forthcoming)

Recommended new and earlier books (forthcoming)


IV. General Evolution Theory
-for theorists and more advanced readers


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Powells.com and amazon.com

Convenient links have been provided to review
each book or purchase them.


Darwinism Evolving.
Depew, D., and Weber, B.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996.

An exploration of both old (neo-Darwinian, etc.) and new (chaos and complexity theory, etc.) evolutionary theory with particular stress on the vital concept of self-organizing processes.

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The Self-Organizing Universe.
Jantsch, E.
New York: Pergamon Press, 1980.

Still possibly the single most useful book for grounding the advanced student in the still new, emergent and pivotal field of evolutionary systems science. Fritjof Capra's The Web of Life is a useful and extremely readable update for part of the Jantsch perspective.

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The New Evolutionary Paradigm.
Laszlo, E., (Ed.).
Philadelphia: Gordon and Breach, 1991.

The historic first collection of papers by the co-founding members of the General Evolution Research Group.

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The Connectivity Hyposthesis.
Laszlo, E.
Albany, NY: Suny Press, 2003
A new statement of Laszlo's QVI theory of the multilevel unity of life.

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An Arrow Through Chaos.
Loye, D.
Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 2000.

See introduction and appendix for an exploration of our brain's capacity for predicting the future, of key relevance to the development of advanced evolution theory.

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The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions.
MacLean, P.
New York: Plenum Press, 1990.
An exceptionally important book of pioneering brain research from an evolutionary
perspective. Among other things contains the point for point corroboration of the long
missing completion for Darwin's theory.

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Development and Evolution: Complexity and Change in Biology.
Salthe, S.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993.

A rich mix of classic philosophy, modern biology, and chaos and complexity theories aimed at opening minds to the alternatives to "first half" Darwinian theory.

Review or buy it at Amazon.com or Powells.com

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